24 Restore is a fire and water restoration Greenville, NC group of professionals that are experienced in responding to your disaster situation. Now that it is March 2016, we wanted to go ahead and give you the spill on what to do in a thunderstorm. In North Carolina, it can be sunny one part of the day and raining and lightening the next. Boom! Just like that you are looking at a tree in your living room, or a lake in your hallway from a ceiling leak that you had assumed was minor. We exaggerate, but the point is that if you need a skilled and experienced fire and water restoration Greenville, NC team on your side during your emergency or disaster situation, contact 24 Restore.

Before a Thunderstorm, Our Fire and Water Restoration Greenville, NC Team Wants You to:

  • Post pone outdoor happenings
  • Prepare an emergency kit with a flashlight, batteries, etc.
  • Secure objects that could blow away including loose tree limbs
  • Unplug all of your electrical equipment

During a Thunderstorm, Our Fire and Water Restoration Greenville, NC Team Wants You to:

  • Use a battery operated radio for weather updates
  • Avoid open hilltops, the beach, or other open outside areas
  • Take shelter in a sturdy building
  • Avoid using appliances that require electricity

After a Thunderstorm, Our Fire and Water Restoration Greenville, NC Team Wants You to:

  • Give us a call and we will take your emergency recovery from there!

Restore Your Property from a Thunderstorm Disaster with 24 Restore.