As fire & water restoration experts in Greenville, NC, we know more than most how spring storms can wreak havoc. Now that it is starting to get warmer and more stormy, we wanted to go ahead and give you handy guide on what to do in a thunder storm. This time of year, as many North Carolinians know, you can start your morning with a bright sunny day and have severe storms in the afternoon. In an instant, you could be looking at a tree in your living room, or a lake in your hallway from a ceiling leak that you had assumed was going to be minor. We are exaggerating a little, but in the wake of the devastation of last year’s Hurricane Matthew, you need to be prepared. 

What You Should Do Before the Storm

If you’re looking on the news or checking out your weather app, and you see a storm is coming, be sure to take these precautions:

  • Postpone or cancel outdoor events
  • Prepare an emergency kit with a flashlight, batteries, etc.
  • Secure any objects that could blow away including loose tree limbs
  • Unplug all of your electrical equipment

During the Storm

Once the storm is underway, you should do the following:

  • Use a battery operated radio for weather updates
  • Avoid open hilltops, the beach, or other open outside areas
  • Take shelter in a sturdy building
  • Avoid using appliances that require electricity

Dealing with the Aftermath

Not every storm is a disaster, but it’s a great idea to give your home and yard a check for any problems. If you have any damage, don’t hesitate to seek the help with 24 Restore. 24 Restore is a team of cleaning, restoration and remodeling specialists backed by an on-call support team of restoration experts. Our “teamwork” guarantees our customers with quick emergency response, up-to-date technology and a professional job done right! Our management and field staff are trained professionals specializing in the handling of complex disaster situations. Thorough and efficient, our staff delivers satisfaction to both property owners and insurance companies. 24 Restore provides quality disaster cleaning and repair, including 24-hour emergency service.