There is reason why you might hear more police sirens and ambulance horns around the Fourth of July. It is mainly due to the fact that some individuals out there in the world do not quite know how to operate fireworks. One minute they are laughing and goofing around, and the next they either set themselves or their property on, well, fire. In the event that you destroy your property in a fireworks fire, contact our fire and restoration Greenville, NC professionals to restore your home to proper and safe living conditions. After all, your home is a home and the brave, too. Are you thinking that fireworks are not a real issue? Think again!

According to the National Council of Fireworks, the number of Americans that are planning to use fireworks in their backyard this Fourth of July is expected to hit an all-time high. That means, the risk of exposing your piece of free land to a unexpected fire is probably a little bit higher than usual.

Our Fire and Water Restoration Greenville, NC Team Suggests that You Follow the Guidelines of the NCF, which are that You:

  1. Obey all local laws regarding the use of fireworks
  2. Know your fireworks
  3. Supervise all firework activities
  4. Save your alcohol for after the show
  5. Wear safety glasses when shooting fireworks
  6. Light one firework at a time and then quickly move away
  7. Do not hold a fireworks item in your hand
  8. Use fireworks outdoors in a clear area
  9. Never relight a “dud” firework
  10. Always store fireworks in a cool, dry place
  11. Never carry fireworks in your pocket
  12. Do not experiment with homemade fireworks
  13. Dispose of spent fireworks by wetting them down and place in a metal trashcan
  14. Ensure all pets and animals are away from fireworks noise
  15. Pay special consideration to individuals who may be sensitive to loud noises

If you need 24/7 emergency fire and water restoration Greenville, NC service – contact 24 Restore today. Otherwise, have a safe and fun filled Fourth of July.