Tomorrow is the first of May, and that means summer is almost here. Along with beach days, sunshine, and summer vacation, summer also brings hurricanes. What have you done to prepare for hurricanes this year?

Hurricane season begins on June 1st, which means you only have a month to get ready. FEMA has some tips for getting your home prepared for hurricanes, and the most important one is to put together an emergency kit.

Some things you’ll need:

  • Water and non-perishable food. Be sure that everything is clean and kept well-sealed, as drinking contaminated water is worse than not having water in the short term. You want enough supplies on hand to support each member of your family for up to 72 hours. (Parents – let your kids help choose and pack supplies! It can be a fun activity that will also make them less afraid.)
  • A battery operated radio and spare batteries so you can hear emergency alerts.
  • A first aid kit.
  • A flashlight.
  • A comfortable change of clothes for each member of your family.
  • Blankets and/or sleeping bags for each member of your family.


Remember to store your kit in a waterproof container! Hurricanes can and probably will cause massive flooding and water damage. In fact, there are many ways that hurricanes can cause damage, including strong winds, storm surges, flooding, tornadoes, and even rip tides if you’re near the beach. When damage does happen call fire and water restoration Greenville, NC.

There isn’t much you can do to prepare your property for the most devastating levels of hurricane weather, but you can take a few steps to protect your home from damage, including removing dead trees and limbs, securing loose rain gutters and downspouts, and installing an emergency generator to use in the event of an area power outage.

With a little preparation – and remember, you’ve got a whole month to get it done – you and your family can make it through a hurricane alive, and then call fire and water restoration Greenville, NC to get your home back together.