24 Restore’s fire and water restoration service in Greenville, NC has been working hard this season to keep your home in shape. With the upcoming Winter months and the snow storms they bring, we need to be extra cautious with our roofs with snow piled up on them. A big issue that can potentially cause a lot of damage is the formation ice dams on roofs. Here is our guide to ice dams!

What Are Ice Dams?

According to the University of Minnesota, Ice Dams are “a ridge of ice that forms at the edge of a roof and prevents melting snow (water) from draining off the roof. The water that backs up behind the dam can leak into a home and cause damage to walls, ceilings, insulation, and other areas.”

What Can I Do to Prevent Them?

Ice Dams can cause a lot of damage over the Winter season. The best thing to do is take immediate action and monitor your roof all throughout the Winter season. Here are 3 immediate things you can do to prevent ice dams from forming.

  • Safely remove the snow from the roof. Ice dams are easy to form in cold climates where snow falls, melts, and refreezes. During the day, remove the snow that is building up on your roof in trouble spots as safely as possible.
  • Make channels for the water to flow through the ice dam.
  • Call your roofing contractor to fix the problem ASAP.

Need More Help?

24 Restore’s fire and water restoration team in Greenville, NC is a team of cleaning, restoration and remodeling specialists backed by an on-call support team of restoration experts. Our “teamwork” guarantees our customers with a quick emergency response, up-to-date technology, and a professional job done right! Our management and field staff are trained professionals specializing in the handling of complex disaster situations. Thorough and efficient, our staff delivers satisfaction to both property owners and insurance companies. 24 Restore provides quality disaster cleaning and repair, including 24-hour emergency service. Contact us today!