24 Restore is a team of cleaning, restoration and remodeling specialists backed by an on-call support team of restoration experts. Our thorough and efficient staff guarantees satisfaction for both property owners and insurance companies. 24 Restore provides quality disaster cleaning and repair, including 24-hour emergency service in Greenville, NC.

This time of year is filled with fun festivities and gatherings. However, this time of year also carries the highest risk for home fires. At 24 Restore, we want you to enjoy this holiday season safely. 

One of the leading causes of home fires this time of year are candles. Candles are beautiful holiday decor, but they should never be left unattended. Whenever you plan to leave a room or your home, be sure to blow out any candles that you have lit. Also, place candles away from any flammable objects such as curtains, towels, etc.

Your Christmas tree is another holiday fire hazard. Be sure to water your tree regularly while it’s in the home to prevent it from drying out. Once the season is over, dispose of your tree properly. Don’t light any candles on or near your tree. Also be sure to not sit your tree close to your fireplace, furnace, or any air vents.

If you plan on hanging lights outdoors, or any other decorations that require electricity, be sure to use extension cords that are suitable for outdoor use. Don’t overload any of your outlets. And, if you plan to be away from your home, turn off all of your outdoor decorations.

This time of year should be a very merry season, and the fire & water restoration specialists at 24 Restore want to help make sure that’s the case for you and your family. We at 24 Restore in Greenville, NC hope that you have a happy holiday season this year!