Beyond stop, drop, and roll, most people may not know what to do in the event of a fire emergency. Thankfully, the Ready Government Organization and our fire and water restoration Greenville, NC team at 24 Restore are here to remind you. In the event of recovering from a house or building fire, do be sure to contact 24 Restore for the recovery of your property. We supply everything you need to get your home or office back up and running including emergency services, construction services, and even cleaning services. With regard to fire recovery, our fire and water restoration Greenville, NC team is more than willing to help remove soot and smoke from your space. We can additionally help your interior and exterior look brand new after a fire. Even so, there are steps you may want to take before, during, and after a fire takes places in your life.

Before a Fire, Our Fire and Water Restoration Greenville, NC Team Wants You to:

  • Have working smoke detectors that you test every month for dying batteries or other detection issues
  • Have at least two ways to escape each room in your home or office in the event of a fire
  • Own a fire extinguisher
  • Practice leaving your house in the dark (i.e. blindfold yourself and make your way out)
  • Teach children not to hide from firemen

During a Fire, Our Fire and Water Restoration Greenville, NC Team Wants You to:

  • Crawl low to the ground to avoid poisonous fumes and smoke
  • Use your seconds wisely to escape
  • Always think of your second way out if a door is too hot or too smoky
  • If you can’t reach someone, be sure to call 911 ASAP
  • Tell firefighters if your pets are trapped
  • Stop, drop, and roll if you catch fire

After a Fire, Our Fire and Water Restoration Greenville, NC Team Wants You to:

  • Give us a call and we will take it from there!

Restore Your Property from a Fire Disaster with 24 Restore.