April showers bring May flowers, so they say. For many of us, April showers also bring April flooding. Many homes these days are being built in flood prone developments, so it’s important that we know what to do to prevent flooding – and what to do when those prevention measures fail.


We can’t make any home 100% waterproof. But we can make it harder for the water to get in. Be sure to keep your gutters clean. Clogged gutters can cause water to fall where it isn’t directed away from your foundation. Consider replacing paved surfaces with permeable pavement, or gravel fill. Nonpermeable pavement can cause water to run off and collect in larger quantities, which will lead to ground saturation and, eventually, flooding. If this happens, call fire and water restoration Greenville NC.


What do you do when you do experience flooding? FEMA has issued this guide. Below are a few important pieces of it:

  • Do not enter a flooded building if the power is on. Ensure the power is off before you step in water or even onto wet carpeting.

  • Be mindful of structural damage. Water can and will damage foundations and other important structures, sometimes before it becomes visible above the floor. If you’re in doubt, stay out and call our experts in fire and water restoration Greenville, NC.

  • Water causes mold and mildew to form. This is the silent danger in every home. If an area has flooded, even if it appears to have dried out on its own, wall interiors and floors may remain damp enough to foster mold and mildew for months. This can cause all manner of health effects, many of them very serious.

  • Be wary of chemical smells and other contaminants. It may not simply be water. Run off and damaged containers may bring pesticides, petroleums, and other dangerous chemicals into the mix.


If you have experienced flooding in your home, don’t hesitate. Call fire and water restoration Greenville, NC.